Each spring, Historic Christ Church & Museum hosts a lively, three-day continuing education program for new and returning volunteers. These sessions offer volunteers a chance to get together before the visitor season begins and expand their knowledge of Christ Church and colonial Virginia. Presentations by members of the HCC&M Research Committee along with talks by outside scholars explore topics such as architecture, historic landscapes, tobacco and the colonial economy, brick and lime making, slavery and servitude, preservation, and church and state in colonial Virginia.

Historic Christ Church & Museum also hosts an annual speaker series, the HCC&M Readers Book Club and small, hands-on training workshops throughout the year. Every spring and fall volunteers enjoy bus trips to other historic sites in Virginia. Volunteers can check out books related to Christ Church and colonial Virginia from our Volunteer Library. These experiences help put Christ Church into the larger context of colonial Virginia and are great opportunities to connect with and learn from fellow volunteers.

Historic Christ Church & Museum welcomes new volunteers year-round and offers a stimulating and fun environment for those who love history and people. For more information please contact the Foundation office.

Download the 2024 Spring Training Program

2024 Spring Parish Crawl 

2024 HCC Readers

2024 Summer Speaker Series: "The First Three: From Washington to Jefferson"