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John H. Hunt II Chesapeake History Forum - "East Virginia Blues: The Bay and Beyond"

12.10.2024 04:00 - 07:30
Paula Stallard




John H. Hunt II Chesapeake History Forum - "East Virginia Blues: The Bay and Beyond" 

October 12 - 4:00 p.m.

Some of the best known blues musicians of the twentieth century called Virginia and the Chesapeake watershed home. Regional artists performed in a variety of styles, from the ragtime-inspired country blues that was heard at house parties to the jazz-inflected vaudeville blues of the traveling shows and stage. Touring bands, phonograph records, and radio brought other blues styles to the region. Mississippi-born bluesman Arthur “Big Boy” Crudup brought his Delta songs to his new home on the Eastern Shore while Baltimore theaters featured the great blueswomen. Join guitarist Dr. Gregg Kimball, vocalist Sheryl Warner, and harmonica player Rick Manson as they honor these masters of the blues tradition with an engaging multimedia show. Enjoy craft cocktails, fresh seafood, and other culinary delights at this special evening of music and storytelling that honors longtime HCC&M volunteer and friend John H. Hunt II.

Tickets $75.00. Purchase here: East Virginia Blues: The Bay and Beyond